About Us
Our Mission
The Cochise Music Teachers Association is a non-profit organization that offers activities and opportunities for teachers to grow professionally in the field of music education, and to encourage higher standards of music instruction. It contributes to the musical culture of the region and a means to promote growth in the understanding and appreciation of music. It allows for greater access to musical opportunities for all students, including scholarships and awards to help further their study of music. Teachers whose continuing study and experience will provide the best possible training and developments for their students.
Our Story
Founded in 1983, CMTA comprises the Southeastern district of the Arizona State Music Teachers Association. The Arizona State Music Teachers Association is the state affiliate of the Music Teachers National Association. This non-profit organization is composed of individuals professionally engaged in any field of music education in Cochise County primarily those teaching privately.
Join Us
The Cochise Music Teacher's Association (CMTA) meets in Sierra Vista, AZ on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 8:15 a.m.

We’d love to hear from you!
5120 Campini Ct. | Sierra Vista, AZ | 85650 | Tel: (520) 378-0427